I’m using the STM32F2xx DCMI port to receive data from an CMOS image sensor. There aren’t too many Cortex-M3 or M4 parts which have this ability natively; the STM32F2xx is a rare breed. It’s a very nice feature. Along the…
STM32F2xx DMA Controllers
If you’re moving a bunch of data around, the DMA controllers are going to be your best friends. However they have their quirks and undocumented features. This post will describe what I’ve learned about them, and hopefully others can contribute…
STM32F2xx Processor Learnings
I’ve been doing a lot of work recently with the new ST processor, the STM32F2xx family. It’s a Cortex-M3 part running at 120 MHz. It’s a nice part, however I’ve lost a lot of time discovering, well, let’s not call…
MT9D131 Image Sensor JPG Header
I’ve been using the Aptina MT9D131 image sensor for a new project. It’s an interesting chip. One of the great features of this chip is its ability to output JPEG images (which includes white balance, bayer interpolation, etc). That saves…